
Designed a platform to attract users from Actually's social media to their website

Project Overview

Al Arabshahi (UI Lead)
Caitlyn Torres (UX Writer)
Elena Kozlovska (UX Researcher)
Date / Duration
Nov 2021
Three weeks
My Role
Product designer
UI lead
• Hi-fidelity prototype of quiz
• Redesign landing page and onboarding
Actually is a growing online premarital counseling service provider with a modern approach to couples therapy.
• Disconnection between Actually social media and their website
• Users are not able to book a session on Actually's website
Highlighted work
• Interview with Client | Therapist | Users
• Research | Secondary research
• Affinity map | Persona | Journey map
• Information Architecture | Sitemap
• Moodboard | Style guide
• Sketch | Paper prototype
• Wireframe | prototype
• Usability Test | Iteration


  • Awareness and reach
    Disconnection between Actually social media and their website
  • Onboarding and booking
    Users are not able to book a session on the website and find information about the program
How might we bring users on social media to Actually’s website and help them book a  service with a therapist? 


  • Bridging the gap
    Create a shareable, fun, engaging, gender-neutral quiz that Actually can post on their Instagram and bring people to their website to sign up for therapy services.
  • Improve users’ experience of the website
    users can easily book a service with actually and find about services they provide.

Social media quiz post

  • Ad post on instagram
    To gain more followerS and encourage users to take the quiz
  • Responsive web quiz
    Be able to take it in any devices

Quiz /Questions

  • Short and engaging quiz
    To keep the users engaged and excited
  • Gender neutral quiz
    To cover all types of user
  • Shareable result page
    User be able to share the result with partner and friends

Website redesign

  • Improving the website's UX
    Reorganize the content, clarify the content, and steps users need to take to book a service with the therapist.
  • Improving the onboarding
    Create a step-by-step path to book a session with a therapist.


How we got to the solution  
If you are just interested to see the final prototype, click here
Skip to Prototype


• Research
• Interview with stakeholder | therapist
• Survey
• User interview
• Secondary research | Competitive Analysis
• User testing of existing website
• Heuristic Evaluation
Interview with stakeholder

Click to enlarge image

In order to better understand the problem and users, we interviewed Actually’s Co-founder and therapist

Key survey findings

• A lot of stigma around the therapy
• Fun activities help clients to open up to consultation sessions
• Our current users are “the modern couple”
• The majority of users are coming from our social media

Screener survey

Click to enlarge image

We reached out to 34 people aged between 18 to 55 years old in our screener survey to learn more about their attitude towards couple counseling.
64.7% think couple counseling is a good idea
8.8% of respondents have ever attended couples therapy

Key survey findings

• There is a need for couple therapy
• A lot of stigma around the therapy

Competitive Analysis

Click to enlarge image

We Found 8 companies in this market and compared their website's features to Actually.

Key competitive analysis findings

• Quiz to get user attention and have an ice breaker
• How it works section
• Step by step description of sign up process

User testing of existing website

Click to enlarge image

In order to improve the user experience holistically from social media to website onboarding, we conducted 9 usability tests on the existing website to find the pain points of onboarding and find out why people are having a hard time booking services.

Key user testing findings

• Users get overwhelmed with information
• Onboarding is not clear for the users
• There is no call to action button on the hero section
• Hero section is not informative
• Users don’t trust the testimonials since there is no image

Interview with users

Click to enlarge image

We conducted 9 interviews with millennials within the age range of 23-37 years old. 4 out of 9 have attended couples therapy.

What are the user's pain points?

• There is still a lot of stigma around the mental health topic, and doing therapy, especially among men
• They don’t know who to reach in order to set a therapy session
• Users have a hard time opening up to consultation sessions.


• Affinity mapping
• Personas
• Journey map
• Problem statement
• MVP Features
Affinity mapping

We created an affinity map using our interview quotes to analyze the interview results and identify pain points.

Key affinity mapping findings

• People love to take fun engaging couples activities like quizzes
• Communication is key. They want to share their thoughts
• People want to know more about their partner
• Quizzes are a great starting point for conversation


We defined our personas based on our findings from interviews with stakeholders, therapists, and users. We created 3 personas that reflect 3 main categories.

Who are the users?

• Modern couples that use social media  
• Couples that planing get married
• Recent graduates and young professionals

Journey map

We mapped our user's experience journey as they went through Acutally's website and tried to set up a consulting session with a therapist. This map is based on our user testing of the existing website.

What type of quiz should we use?

Based on the interview we had with the therapist, we found that the quiz should:

• Light, fun and exciting
• Great ice-breakers
• Talk about positive emotions
• Gender neutral


• Information Architecture
• User flows
• Design Studio
• Sketch
• Paper prototype
• Wireframe
User Flow

To better understand what steps users need to take in order to start the quiz and get the result, we made a user flow.

Sketch to Wireframe

Transferring our sketches to wireframes in Figma


Mood boarding
• Style guide 
• Low to high fidelity

Test and Iterate

• Usability Test
• Iteration


Design Key Features

Quiz / Social media post
  • 1. Ad post on Instagram
    To gain more followers and encourage users to take the quiz

  • 2. Short and engaging quiz
    To keep users engaged to stay on the quiz

  • 3. Green flag question
    Positive emotion question

    4. Two types of questions, four possible answers
    Four possible answer max for an accurate result

  • 5. Promo code
    To excite users to take book a service with Actually's therapist

  • 6. Gender-neutral quiz
    To cover all types of users

  • 7. Shareable result page
    Users can share the result with partner and friends

    8. Clickable link to Actually's website
    Bring users to Actually’s website

  • 1. Sign up process
    Clarify the steps users need to take to sign up

  • 2. Progress bar
    Show the current status of sign-up process

  • 3. Packages
    Let user select the preferred packages

  • 4. Goal
    Let the therapist know the reason for the sign-up

  • 5. Review & checkout
    Clarify charges before payment

  • 6. Confirmation
    To inform users that they are done with the sign-up process

Website redesign


Next Steps

  • User testing
    Conduced more user testing on the quiz & iteration based on the feedback.
  • Add as seen on and reviews section
    To show other brands that Actually works with and to build users’ trust
  • Improve other pages on the website
    How it works, Learn more and Career sections


It was an absolute pleasure working with The Actually. Finding the middle ground between the client and the user's needs was challenging. Also, understanding what type of questions should use this type of quiz was difficult. However, interviewing with a therapist helps us to resolve that. Overall it was a fantastic experience to work with a great team to solve client problems with a creative design and reach both the users' and the business goals.


“Al was great and we appreciated his ability to intensely focus on the problem and take a detailed, research-informed, and conversion-optimized approach to design based on both intuition and extensive user testing. ”

- Adam Putterman | Co-founder of Actually